About Me
- ingrid camacho
- I am a professional network marketing trainer, who loves to help people get the skills they need to succeed in building a great income from home.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I want to start this lesson with these words.
What you are thinking about and picturing in your mind today,
is a clear indication of what you will be experiencing in the future.
I have had an image for many years that flashes up in my mind now and then.
I see myself standing on a stage and with certainty, enthusiasm, joy and love
I convey to people my knowledge of health, personal growth and success.
In my imagination my speech is perfect, I am comfortable in my role, and
seeing myself having fun when I convey my message to the crowd,
This is a big deal for me ... in my imagination.
Based on my experience, the faith and vision I have in myself,
I stop myself from believing that this would ever become a reality ....
What made me see my imagination above in a different way, was when I
visited my project leader last Wednesday.
He said this: To get ahead in your personal development, See yourself on stage and
all the threads you need, it's your choice what you want from the "buffet".
We are here to help you. That reminded me of the Mentoring For Free organisation,
the importance to have a Master Mind team to reach out to.
Ahaa ... I belive my mind got the picture now and I thought: A stage don't need to be
a stage I are accustomed to think of to stand on. The Stage is the place I'm standing on
right now and from there create and imagine the life I want.
Based on this knowledge I went to bed and sending out a question:
I want to spread my knowledge, I want to help people in my county and other countries .. show me how.
Then a amazing thing happened on Thursday morning. A lady from ST (Sundsvalls Newspaper)
calls me and asked if I wanted to be seen on the family pages in the newspaper
when I enter the 50th next week.
wow, what an opportunity, what a great stage I will have to stand on, what a great audience,
the whole county will read my story!
We agreed to meet at my place Friday at 10am, this lady and a photographer.
But gee, what story will I tell?! What will she ask? A photographer, I hate to have a camera
in my face..etc.etc...Help me someone!
I fired off a message to my mentor for advice, but got no response back ... ouch.
At this moment, when I was in all this what will I DO questions, I get a glimpse
of the invisible, quiet, withdrawn child from my subconscious past.
That little child who does not believe in being good enough, who is afraid of criticism, that little child
who thinks she is not worthy of love. I believe I had thousands of negative thoughts in that moment.
But it was only for a moment, a stronger force took over an remind me about what I have learned earlier
trough this process in 30 day mental cleanse, that my thoughts become reality if
I believe those thoughts is the truth.
So I switch my negative thougts about myself to more positive thoughts, I started to say
affirmations and paint pictures of myself as calm, expressive, objective and above all
to be courageous and risk being me. I took this thoughts in to my mind and created a
mental picture, keept them long enough so that my mental picture evoked an emotional response.
And I was back on the pat, my positive emotions started to fill my body and mind,
i get more and more confident, happy and enthusiastic about the interview.
The mental picture allowed me to be there in the interview, to experience it in my mind.
The difference between affirmation and imagery is that affirmations are conscious thoughts
I choose to think about. Imagery takes those thoughts and dwells upon them until
they generate emotion and belief. I have Keept this recipe in my mind,
that thoughts plus emotions creates conviction, and conviction creates reality.
It was a great interview, I let go and listening to this ladys questions and answered them with such calm,
I was relaxed, had fun, dared to stand out, had courage to be myself and without Agenda...
there is such power in affirmations and to be a stage manager.
I believe my story from the interview will end up in my blog.
Thank you Michael & Linda for creating a place for us to grow in.
I Love to read the lessons, thank you for sharing it fill my heart with gratitude and love to all of You!
Maria Bystrom
A Freind and Mentor With A Servant's Heart
PS I sent an other massage to my mentor before she answered me back and thanked here
for not returning with advice to me this time because it resulted in that I found
my own inner strength and the answer inside myself. Thank You Darlene Mills, I Love You !
I learn a lot from Maria. She has taught me how important it is to turn those negative thoughts into positive ones as soon as possible. Thank You Maria!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
“It has been said that man can create ANYTHING he can IMAGINE.”(Napoleon Hill)
According To Dictionary.com 'Imagination' is the faculty of forming mental images or concepts, of what is not physically present to the 5 senses or also to be able to solve unexpected or unusual problems.
I liked the way Hill puts it Imagination is a WORKSHOP for our minds where we can take our own Personal Impulse of DESIRE and begin to give it shape & form by applying ACTION.
It amazes me when I think of all the many technological advances that have come to our world in just the last 100 years, brought to us through the Imagination of men & women. We began the 20th Century with the creation of automobiles , airplanes & radios (to name a few) & we ended the 20th Century with spaceships, computers, cell phones,& the internet which we take for granted. And yet I think it is so very ironic with all the modern conveniences that IMAGINATION has brought into our world so many folks I come in contact with today seem like they are just going through the motions in their lives---just going to work, coming home having dinner, watching TV,,,etc,,etc & Never really experiencing Life in the Fulness that it was meant to be experienced. Instead of being encouraged by all the Technology & examples Like Bill Gates & Steve Jobs who had an entrepreneurial drive that propelled them to fame & fortune most people seem to sit back numbed out by all that is going on satisfied just to exist.
Just as an example of this on Sunday we had several friends & relatives over for dinner & we ended up discussing various topics when in passing conversation I asked if I could read them a story. I read the story of 'The Kettle' to the group. I had asked them if any of them had ever read 'Think & grow Rich' & a couple folks said they had, though years ago. I told them this was a story from the Chapter on 'Imagination' & about the Invention of Coke. When I neared the end of the story I asked the group if anyone knew the 'secret ingredient' that the young clerk added to the Kettle that brought world wide fame & riches to many. A couple people answered 'bio carbonide' & another person said molasses...It just amazed me that NO ONE got the correct answer! However when I reflect back on my own life I was basically in the 'same boat' of just going through life until the accident I was in on the job really 'Got my attention.' I think for years & years my 'Workshop' was empty decaying through lack of use & low self- esteem. In January 2006 as I was recovering from my work accident (a shattered heel) I began to Dream & Imagine Again,,,,,I tried many, many affiliate programs, money making deals, etc,,etc,, in an attempt to make my dreams a reality before finding this amazing Community at Mentoring For Free & The Mental Cleanse this past May.
Today as I participate in this community daily, I find the Limitations of my Imagination & Dreams being lifted, I feel like an Eagle getting ready to soar as my Happiness & confidence grows. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I was called to be here. For the past 5 years or so it has seemed like the old TV show 'Run For Your Life' for me as I was always frantically running after this or that 'deal' or 'opportunity' Trying to make money & find fulfillment before I was too old...Now in the last 2 months especially I awake with a peace & assurance that I am on the right path to Abundance & freedom BECAUSE finally I have been able to slow down & enjoy the scenery in the process. Instead of running FOR my life I Now Run TO my Life (but more like a Distance runner who paces himself)...I am Running TO the Life I always imagined was possible years ago, but had abandoned for so long.
These days I feel like the Life I am Imagining for myself is coming true.
“I Dream My Painting, Then I Paint My Dream” (Van Gogh)
Thank you so Much Michael, Linda & This whole Community For the Blessing you have Become To Me
Matt Geib
This brilliant lesson plan was written by my good friend and fellow mentor Matt Geib.
Ingrid Camacho
Monday, October 24, 2011
Imagination-The Workshop of the Mind.
The only thing, situation, event or person stopping me from being me is ME!
Yes, it’s been said before and it can sound like a broken record but it’s true.
Loddy’s lesson last week hit me between eyes.
David Haines’ lesson hit me between the eyes.
Maria Brystom’s and Darlene Moore’s lessons from this week inspired me.
A Leadership course I’ve been doing by Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter hit me too.
Some comments made on recent calls have hit me.
Why have I been hit? Well a bit like David Haines referred to last week. If people so like my lessons and tell me I inspire them why can’t I build a strong team, why don’t I have more people participating on the mental cleanse?
Loddy talked about “faking it until now”. David talked about Tianne’s comments to him last week that maybe the other mentors who have great teams and success in their lives is due to the fact that “they want it more”.
How badly do I want it? How prepared am I to be uncomfortable now in order to reach for my stars? Am I prepared to get out of my comfort zone?
Am I being too hard on myself?
I went back to look at “what do I really want?” Who do I really want to be and am I prepared to become?”
“What does the ideal image of me look like?”
I reflected on it quite a lot. Sometimes it was clouded in negativity and self doubt. But when it was bright and free flowing in positivity, free from chatter, it was a whole lot easier to see.
The person I desire to become isn’t so much different than the person I am now, just more confident but yet humble, so humble that on every call I make I approach it with ‘what I can learn from this person’.
The person I desire to become has a life only in the positive emotions, difficult things happen, but I am able to always redirect my thoughts and actions to those of a confident, happy person.
The person I desire to be is healthy all the time, and in top shape physically and mentally, as we can only perform at 100% when we feel 100%.
The person I desire to become is truly a leader, my thoughts are thoughts of a leader, my words are thoughts of a leader and my friends are leaders.
The person I desire to become is a perpetual student of leaders and of the average situation. From the average situation beyond average opportunities can abound if I put my ego aside and am open to listening for them.
"Your big opportunity may be right where you are now."Napoleon Hill.
When I am listening I allow my Creative Imagination to tune in to other subconscious minds and draw out their desires.
The person I desire to become works from home, contributes to videos, blogs, forums, books, groups and speaking events from time to time.
The person I desire to become has a comfortable mind and lives in ease.
The person I desire to become has a loving relationship with her partner, that grows all the time, as it does with her dear family and precious friends near and far. The person I desire becoming loves her “everyday” moment and raises a family living in this happiness, sheer joy, vitality, peace of mind and freedom.
The person I desire to become has a variety of books published in different languages so that this information is available for people in all walks of life in all corners of the world. I will use contributions from member s of my team and mastermind group. It will be a team effort, just as life and network marketing are.
The person I desire to become isn’t afraid, doesn’t waste precious time and appreciates life dearly.
The person I desire to become attracts people who have a similar desire for LIFE, for “love, individual worth, equality and freedom” to borrow from the core values of my company.
The person I desire to become can tell intuitively when another person has the necessary desire to be, and knows when and how much time to invest in them. Charlie Holles luckily gave me a chance to “find” my in-built desires, and I want to be able to do the same for the people who find me when they download the ebook, or find me “out there”.
The person I desire to become has a natural skill at happily building the largest, most profitable, highest retention organisation ever build in the history of network marketing easily and consistently through education and teamwork.
In all the lessons I read and listen to one strong piece of evidence keeps coming back to me---
The only way to CONTINUE to bridge the gap between the things that hold me back and the person I desire to become is to continuously hunt out the lazy part of me, nurture the beautiful and loving part of me, care for the action and discipline side of me, and have fun with the carefree side of me.
The only limits to me are ME.
I give myself these challenges through my thoughts as I know that it is part of the journey of the student becoming a light and freedom warrior.
“To grow, to discover, we need involvement, which is something I experience every day — sometimes good, sometimes frustrating. No matter what, you must let your inner light guide you out of the darkness.” Bruce Lee.
Dr. Gunsaulus’s story lent me something new this time- It wasn’t until he DECIDED to take action that things started happening for him.
“The time had come for action.””Things began to happen in a hurry. I called the newspapers and ANNOUNCED I would preach a sermon the following morning.....”
It reminds me of something happening in my life right now.
I offered to help out my team as they will be away on a cruise in a couple of weeks, not really thinking about the repercussions, it was just a tiny voice inside me one night said “tomorrow send an email offering your help”.
Then I got an answer from my team leader that I could present some calls. ME?!?! I thought, at first. Am I really ready to share with others? Do I know enough? What will I talk about? Then as creative imagination works perfectly in a mastermind environment some other members contacted me saying they would be with me! Suddenly things are not so scary when we are reminded of the support and friendship we have around us ALL THE TIME!
I’m sure the rest will unfold just perfectly in perfect timing also.
Faith and self belief are the only things I can count on and also the only things holding me back.
So at this point the choice is entirely MINE!
With love and deep gratitude to you all.
Roisin O’Connor.
P.S. This was written by my good friend and fellow mentor Roisin O'Conner.
Roisin has been an inspiration to me when I feel like quitting, and I just read her brilliant writings and I get back up again and find more success!
Ingrid Camacho
Friday, October 7, 2011
What a difference one phone call can make!
What a difference one phone call can make!
I can't believe how calm I was when we got the phone call from my husband D'Arcy's Cardiologist today, two months ago he had a defibulator and a pacemaker implanted to assist his heart. There had been plans to do further surgery but after the latest tests just two days ago the Dr is sure that D'Arcy would not make it through, his heart just couldn't handle it.
Two months ago I would have freaked and been a total mess at this news. With all the training, listening and reading other peoples lessons my Faith has become stonger than ever. Since I have been doing the Mental Cleanse and reading this chapter for the second time I am realizing how strong my Faith has become.
Not only the Faith I have that I am going in the right direction in building my business but in all things in my life.
When I heard the news this morning I realized I can do nothing to change this situation, I turned every thing over to the "Lord" and have Faith that he will be there for both of us. D'Arcy feels well, looks great and I cherish every day we have together. We have decided that life will go on, we will enjoy every day we have and live in the Now. What more can we ask for, we both have a strong Faith in God and that is all we need.
Thank you all for sharing your stories and life happenings, God Bless you All.
This was written by my good friend Dorothy Pagan. Dorothy is a real inspiration to me! When the going gets tough I just think of Dorothy, and all seems to be better!
Thank You Dorothy for being such a wonderful friend!
Ingrid Camacho
Monday, October 3, 2011
Some Things I've Learned In Network Marketing
I'm 56 years old. A few years ago, on a cross-country flight, I realized that I am living my "WHY". That was an emotional event.
We don't do this because we have to. We do this because we love to do it. That's why we do a dozen or more training calls a week. It's our passion.
I come from a hard background. I love what Randy Gage says. He says, "My family life - we were the Addams Family on crack cocaine." I think mine was even worse.
My parents took me out of school in the 9th grade. I don't have formal education, but I have life lessons. I truly believe that if I can become successful, then anybody can.
My passion is to share that with others, to let them know they can do it, too. It starts with communicating. People don't listen to people. More than anything else, we teach them how to do that.
One absolute truth I've learned over the years -
- plays a very big part in the success we've had so far. And that is:
Leaders are readers.
That's why we put together a complete system to leverage this truth. We offer my "Success In 10 Steps" ebook at for free.
And here's the secret. There are no affiliate links. No affiliate program. We're not trying to get them in the deal, not selling any widgets. There are no catches. It's just giving others the benefit of what I've learned in 27 years.
And leaders are readers. When you give away a quality ebook, you attract leaders. And those are the people you want.
We used this system for years with another ebook. I have a list of people I've been following up with for years. And suddenly, here and there, they call to join my business. And some of them bring a LOT of people with them. It can change your life overnight.
It's about relationships. It's about caring. If you think internet marketing is a sales business, you're sadly mistaken. It is a relationship business.
You can create "know, like & trust" with your copy. Read it. You'll see it. To survive, you must create & build relationships.
You need to get the money out of the equation.
When the money's out of there and you're talking to somebody with no agenda, you can truly listen and be there for them.
When a boy & girl go on a date, there's an agenda. Most guys have one thing on their mind. How tense is that? Are they warm & open? No. They're apprehensive, because they both know what the agenda is. They know what the young man has on his mind.
How would it be if 2 people went on a date and they just wanted to get to know each other? No agenda. How much more enjoyable would that date be?
And how much more successful & happy would people be in business if the money wasn't the focus? if they had no agenda? The answer is, "A lot." I know, because we see it all the time.
To Your Success,
ingrid camacho
"Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart!"
P.S. This was written by my mentor Michael Dlouhy
We don't do this because we have to. We do this because we love to do it. That's why we do a dozen or more training calls a week. It's our passion.
I come from a hard background. I love what Randy Gage says. He says, "My family life - we were the Addams Family on crack cocaine." I think mine was even worse.
My parents took me out of school in the 9th grade. I don't have formal education, but I have life lessons. I truly believe that if I can become successful, then anybody can.
My passion is to share that with others, to let them know they can do it, too. It starts with communicating. People don't listen to people. More than anything else, we teach them how to do that.
One absolute truth I've learned over the years -
- plays a very big part in the success we've had so far. And that is:
Leaders are readers.
That's why we put together a complete system to leverage this truth. We offer my "Success In 10 Steps" ebook at for free.
And here's the secret. There are no affiliate links. No affiliate program. We're not trying to get them in the deal, not selling any widgets. There are no catches. It's just giving others the benefit of what I've learned in 27 years.
And leaders are readers. When you give away a quality ebook, you attract leaders. And those are the people you want.
We used this system for years with another ebook. I have a list of people I've been following up with for years. And suddenly, here and there, they call to join my business. And some of them bring a LOT of people with them. It can change your life overnight.
It's about relationships. It's about caring. If you think internet marketing is a sales business, you're sadly mistaken. It is a relationship business.
You can create "know, like & trust" with your copy. Read it. You'll see it. To survive, you must create & build relationships.
You need to get the money out of the equation.
When the money's out of there and you're talking to somebody with no agenda, you can truly listen and be there for them.
When a boy & girl go on a date, there's an agenda. Most guys have one thing on their mind. How tense is that? Are they warm & open? No. They're apprehensive, because they both know what the agenda is. They know what the young man has on his mind.
How would it be if 2 people went on a date and they just wanted to get to know each other? No agenda. How much more enjoyable would that date be?
And how much more successful & happy would people be in business if the money wasn't the focus? if they had no agenda? The answer is, "A lot." I know, because we see it all the time.
To Your Success,
ingrid camacho
"Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart!"
P.S. This was written by my mentor Michael Dlouhy
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