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I am a professional network marketing trainer, who loves to help people get the skills they need to succeed in building a great income from home.

Monday, August 24, 2009


A Home Business Offers the following:

1 - No Boss. Plan Your own workday. Monitor Yourself. Set
Priorities. Set it up so it's fun for YOU.


3 - Self Satisfaction. YOU create the business. YOU get

4 - Work with people You like. No difficult co-workers. No
office politics.

5 - Flexibility. Work the hours You want to fit in with Your life
& family. If Your best working hours are 2am to 5am, You're
free to do that.

6 - No commuting. Save time & money.

7 - No office expense = quicker profit.

8 - Security. No layoffs. No downsizing.

9 - Tax Deductions: home office, car expense, medical
insurance, phone, entertainment, travel, education, etc.

10 - Better retirement plan: SEP IRAs & Keoghs let You
deduct a higher percent of business profit than Your 401K.

Additional benefits of an MLM opportunity:

1 - Low start up cost: You can probably get everything You
need to start, including leads to follow up with, for less than
$300. Most businesses take thousands of dollars in start-up capital.

2 - No expensive training. In fact, I'll train You and ALL Your
people to succeed in this business, 5 nights a week on the
phone at 8pm Eastern time, for FREE!

3 - No administration hassles. You're self-employed, but
You're a rep for an established company which handles all the
products selection, research & development, shipping,
warehousing, etc.

4 - Keep Your regular job until Your "Part-time" income
is high enough to replace it.

5 - No expensive tools necessary. You need a phone. A
computer is helpful. But Your most critical tool is people
skills, and we will teach You those FREE!

And Finally, The 8th wonder of the world.......click here

......To read about the 8th wonder of the world (And a whole
bunch of other great keys to success in Network Marketing!)
(It's in Chapter 7)

This is an excerpt from the book Success in 10 Steps, which was
written by Michael Dlouhy and based on his 30 years of
experience in the network marketing industry.

To Your Success!
Ingrid Camacho 702-898-8771 anytime

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