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I am a professional network marketing trainer, who loves to help people get the skills they need to succeed in building a great income from home.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hello again everyone. Lately I have been studying about the brain,conscious mind as well as only focusing on the seven positive emotions that Napolean Hill talks about in his book Think and Grow Rich.

Then I can accross this brillant article by Earl Nightingale. This makes total sense to me.

George Bernard Shaw said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, they make them."
Well, it's pretty apparent, isn't it? And every person who discovered this believed (for a while) that he was the first one to work it out. We become what we think about.
Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety and worry - his life becomes one of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing... he becomes nothing.
How does it work? Why do we become what we think about? Well, I'll tell you how it works, as far as we know. To do this, I want to tell you about a situation that parallels the human mind.
Suppose a farmer has some land, and it's good, fertile land. The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses. The land doesn't care. It's up to the farmer to make the decision.
We're comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn't care what you plant in it. It will return what you plant, but it doesn't care what you plant.

Now, let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade. He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land...and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted.

As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap."
Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants - one corn, one poison.
The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn't care what we plant...success...or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal...or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant it must return to us.

You see, the human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth. It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams. It will return anything we want to plant.

If you put positive emotions into your mind then you will reap positive results. This makes it very simple to understand why some folks have negative things happen to them in their business and in their life.

If you think you can build a large organization with the help of team work and education...then you can. If you think that no one wants to join you or buy your products.....then that will happen too.

The lesson learned here for me is I must watch what I put into my mind and keep these seven positive emotions desire,faith, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance, hope, and if you like to add an eighth emotion.....prosperity.

Have a great week


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