Everybody wants to know the secret to success
About Me

- ingrid camacho
- I am a professional network marketing trainer, who loves to help people get the skills they need to succeed in building a great income from home.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
The Man Who Thought Himself Into An Early Grave
Our brain is like a radio station that broadcasts and receives thoughts that we place there. No matter what thought we put in our mind good, or bad, the brain sends it out to the universe.
Take for instance the story of a Dr. John W. Dr. john W. was a skilled heart surgeon who had a patient by the name of Bob R. At the pre-opp consultation Dr. John W. went down the list of everything that was going to happen and assured Bob that his procedure was going to be very routine and he had nothing to worry about. However, Bob had some deep fears and doubts. He told Dr. W. that he was sure he was going to die. Dr. W. insisted that the procedure was simple and routine and everything was going to be just fine because all Bob's lab work came back as normal.
Upon returning home Bob could not shake his fears of certain death.
The day of operation came and Bob was prepped for his surgery. Dr. W. once again reassured Bob that everything was going to be just fine and he would wake up in the recovery room.
Still, Bob was certain he was going to die.
The procedure began and everything was going just fine. An hour went by then suddenly something went wrong. Dr. W. and his team did everything they could to correct the situation, but unfortunately they lost Bob. Dr. W. could not understand what went wrong. He had done this procedure hundreds of times, and never lost anyone.
Dr. W. walked around the operating table trying to understand what happened. When he came to the other side of the table, Dr. W. noticed there was a note in the pocket of Bob's hospital gown. The note was addressed to Dr. W. The note said, "See I told you Dr. W. I was going to die".
We need to be careful what we put into our brain because the universe is listening.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The Subconscious Mind The Connecting Link The Eleventh Step toward Riches
The repeated thoughts & actions we think & do everyday is because of our subconscious mind. We hear others say things like: you never forget how to ride a bike or if you learned how to drive a standard & haven't driven one in years, you never forget how.
I remember the first time I tried to ride a bike. My heart was beating fast, & I knew I was going to learn because my desire was to be able to ride & I stick with it till I could ride. But how is it that we can balance ourselves & ride that bike? We train our subconscious by seeing in our mind how we are going to ride & then we do it. After years of not riding a bike we can get back on & ride again without any thought of having to relearn. We just know we can do it. Stored in our subconscious mind is the guide to riding the bike.
We do many things each day through mindless thinking. Somewhere along our journey we programmed our mind that we could do it & did it. That’s the same way we can do with our desires anytime we set our mind to it.
Through the Mental Cleanse & reading T&GR I can say I have much more clarity than ever before in my life. But this has definitely been a journey. I know that it will continue for the rest of my life.
Thank you Michael & Linda & Mastermind Group!
Looking forward to continuing this journey of programming my mind with like minded people.
This brilliant post was written by my good friend a fellow mentor Jacque Payne.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
What's holding you back?
Thoughts are things. As I was mentoring a lady over the phone, she kept repeating to herself just how stupid and dumb she was because she couldn't find the website I asked her to go to. I believe this was probably her self talk to.
I asked myself does she really thinks she is dumb and stupid? This lady found herself struggling in her network marketing company. She called me up complaining about how no one wanted to join her in network marketing business. I knew what the answer was and I started coaching her on self talk and programming her mind for positive results. She shared with me about when she was a child her parents always called her stupid and dumb. I helped her rewrite her self talk so it was positive. A few days later I called her up and asked how I could help her. She complained again about how stupid she was and how no one was returning her calls. I asked her if she was saying the positve self talk we had worked on together and she said "well no I don't have time for self talk".
This lady eventually quit her network marketing business because she didn't put the time and effort into changing her thoughts for success! She left me a voicemail compaining.
Folks, network marketing works great for me because I think I am successful and I expect people to join me in my network marketing business. I truly believe that what we think is what we get...thoughts are things, good or bad. We must carefully gaurd our thoughts every day because all it takes is for one negative thought to throw us off like a train being derailed from it's tracks.
Ingrid Camacho
I asked myself does she really thinks she is dumb and stupid? This lady found herself struggling in her network marketing company. She called me up complaining about how no one wanted to join her in network marketing business. I knew what the answer was and I started coaching her on self talk and programming her mind for positive results. She shared with me about when she was a child her parents always called her stupid and dumb. I helped her rewrite her self talk so it was positive. A few days later I called her up and asked how I could help her. She complained again about how stupid she was and how no one was returning her calls. I asked her if she was saying the positve self talk we had worked on together and she said "well no I don't have time for self talk".
This lady eventually quit her network marketing business because she didn't put the time and effort into changing her thoughts for success! She left me a voicemail compaining.
Folks, network marketing works great for me because I think I am successful and I expect people to join me in my network marketing business. I truly believe that what we think is what we get...thoughts are things, good or bad. We must carefully gaurd our thoughts every day because all it takes is for one negative thought to throw us off like a train being derailed from it's tracks.
Ingrid Camacho
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Are You Suffering From Excusitis?

This is my absolute favrite chapter in this philosophy,I remember back in 2008 when I started to read thsi book and thought how easy it be to implement all of these chapters into my life,I was in for a major wakeup call.
In 2009 I had started a business with another company I knew what I had to do but yet wasn't doing it,I also had a sales job that paid commision,you don't sell you don't eat,yet I wasn't doing what I needed to do,finally in a ac of desperation,i quit the job and business and decided to go into the trucking industry,IA gave up my apt,packed my bags and left.
After a week with the compsny a mixup in paperwork,I was disqualified from the school,then reality set in,i was homeless I had nowhere to go,I desperatly called my family who for some reason weren't very enthused about opening there doors to me.
In the end my mother and my stepdad,let me stay with them,so I flew back to Puerto Rico for a few months I was told I couldn't stay long so after 2 months my brother volunteered to let me stay with him.For some reason I had a bad feeling about being overthere,my brother constantly complained about having taken a hit on money because I was there,
His wife complained that it wasn't fair either,so they had me doing all the chores around the house,on top of that I was sleeping on the floor on an airmatress and starving because they had no food for me to eat.after 1 week my brother and his wifr kicked me out of the house because I had offened his wife,accordoing to her.
So it was back to PR to live with my mom and stepdad,I didn't know what to do,i just knew I wanted to have my own NM business,a few months down the line I came upon a gentleman named Ben who sent me a link to a free ebook from MFF,I read the book in 2 hours got back to him and even had a coaching call with Michael Dloughy himself.
I was ready to join but how I had no money no job nothing I used to spend my days on youtube listening to Dr Wayne Dyer and Napolean Hill developing myself praying that somehow I would find a way out of this finally after months of trying I managed to get some money and move to NYC I had no one to stay with so I went to a homeless shelter.
If I sat here and told you what an experience that was you'd never believe me,but I got a job and found an apt,(cockroach infested),but it was mine and more importantly after 14 months I was able to start my business.I've had a lot of growing pains this year with the business too taking my eyes off the ball a few times,but got right back up and kept going.
I'm very proud to say that not only did I start my business,but a few weeks ago was able to attend the convention cruise and meet all the wonderfull leaders like Michael and Linda,Sarah Thompson,I even stood guard duty with Big Al himself,I even remember when I saw Ken Klemm I went to shake his hand and he greeted me with a big hug,it was all overwhelming.
I went from homeless 2 years ago to a homeless shelter last year to running my own successfull business and going onthe convention cruise this year and I'm eager to see what next year brings me a leadership crusie as a 4 star diamond?oh yeah.
Persistence,concentration of effort,definitness of purpose are the major sourses of achievement,so guys reading this lessonplan pls,don't EVER give up,keep moving foward no matter what!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Robles
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One of the things that stood out for me most, was to make Decisions Quickly and change them slowly. I think I figured out why (pertaining to myself), when I make a decision quickly, I am trusting my 6th sense, my “gut instinct”. The reason I need to change this decision Slowly is so I have the opportunity to look at it from every angle, to benefit from each angle and if needed I change it slowly. To me, this is after much thought, learning all the lessons I can from this decision until I change it! Plan, review, adjust. The adjust may be a big change from my original decision, however I rest assured that I have carefully taken all the steps needed to change/adjust that decision…part of the reason why I am changing/adjusting this decision is it no longer works with my goals. I have grown from the lessons learned therein, causing the need for the change. The decision/plan has to grow with me and adjust, when I adjust.
This reminds me of the verse in James, that says the testing of your faith produces steadfastness…it’s a process and adjusting, tweaking and tuning it helps me build into the person, I truly want to be!
Making a Decision is a Choice, and I am totally responsible for the outcome. I can make a mistake once, the second time I make that same mistake, it becomes a choice! To quote Mr. Hill from this chapter: “You have a brain and mind of your own. USE IT, and reach your Decisions! This is in reference to not be influenced by the opinions of others, which is so dangerous as it causes us NOT to Think For Ourselves. When this happens I will no longer succeed in ANY Undertaking, especially not being able to transmute MY OWN DESIRE into money! That is why Mentoring for Free is such a great place to be…it is where I Learn HOW to THINK, not WHAT TO THINK! This have been a Major component for Me!
Another scary reality from this chapter (directly quoted from this chapter) is: Ninety-eight out of every hundred people working for wages today, are in the positions they hold, because they lacked the DEFINITENESS OF DECISION to PLAN A DEFINITE POSITION, and the knowledge of how to choose an employer.
DEFINITENESS OF DECISION always requires courage, sometimes very great courage.
These instructions will be of no value to you UNLESS YOU DEFINITELY DECIDE to organize them into a plan of action. If it IS TO BE…then it is up to me to make Quick, Clear, Good Decisions! It will be of Great Benefit to me if I make these Decisions while in the Positive Emotions and Living in the Now!
Blessings and love to all!
Bev Bojarski
Monday, November 7, 2011
Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit

These last two weeks have been very frustrating for me. My husband and I have travelled from Canada to Mesa , Arizona where we own a small property in a seniors resort. Due to my husband's heart condition and our ages we no longer can afford the travel insurance to be able to spend the winter where the weather is better for my arthritis and where we don't have to shovel snow, so the sale of the property is imminent. Cleaning up our property after the dessert dust storms has been a task, that has been done and we are ready for the sale.
My mind has constantly been on what I need to do in MFF, at every turn there was an obstacle in my way. When we reached our destination the internet connection was down that took two days to get back in order, then the phone wouldn't work and it was one thing after another. I did keep my cool and kept telling myself things would settle down soon, it wasn't the end of the world just take it as it comes and work through it. I did it!
Travelling so many miles was a great opportunity to say my self talk. As we travelled I was planing what I had to do to reach my goal. My Desire to reach it is strong and in my heart I know I will never quit trying to reach my goals. I know for the month that we are here working on MFF is not the ideal situation, there are so many interruptions. It just will take a little longer to get back on stream. This is where Patience comes in, I must admit that when someone passes by to visit I wish they didn't and then I think that through and realize how blessed we are that we have made so many great friends over the years we have spent here in the winters.
When I read and listened to Chapter Seven this morning I found it overwhelming, it was just too deep for me today, I think I'm just too tired to retain everything that I read. I thought I need to write how I feel, I know that the folks at the 30 day Mental Cleanse will understand. When we return home things will get back to normal and I will be on stream again.
Now what I have to work on is getting up the courage to talk when I'm listening in on the calls. I'm working on that one very hard.
Thanks to all for this safe place to share my feelings!
Dorothy Pagan
Sanford , Manitoba
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Are you afraid of talking on the phone?

I read this chapter and wasn't really sure what to
write because there are so many things in it.
Where does one start?
So I decided to read some of the lessons submitted.
Usually I try to write something before I read the lessons
but I was kind of stuck . Ken Klemm's was
the first lesson and I did not have to go any further because
and the following paragraph was a big ahah moment for me.
Ken wrote:
“ALL great wealth is created via a Culture of SERVICE.
The major CHOICE You must make in Your life is HOW You
Will SERVE - it must be something You thoroughly enjoy
It made me think of where I was in January when I realized
I needed to make some changes in myself, by gaining
confidence, getting rid of the fear of speaking up
on the calls and start saying my self talk on a consistent basis.
When I really think about fear it really is a selfish thing.
We are frozen and jammed in insecurity. We are not really
thinking of the other person or people because we are
concentrating on how we feel not on how we are affecting
the other person and how we could be helping them.
As I understood this I was so disgusted with myself.
I hadn't looked on my fear as something that would take
away from someone else, but that is exactly what it does.
How can we give service to others when we are so involved
in ourselves.
That brings up another subject – ego.
Ego is all about self. Fear is all about self. How does it effect me-
not how can I serve others.
All I can say at this point is that I am so grateful to have finally
understood this now and be able to put it behind me and begin
to serve with a servants heart and not with a selfish heart.
So what does this all have to do with organized planning?
Well, I started the plan in January to make changes in me and
as I have recognized the problems, I have taken steps to conquer,
bury, replace and become a new improved me.
Maybe my plan was not as organized as it could have been but
I'm just happy I got here.
Tuula Rands
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